Dear friend,

Thank you for your past contributions to the SF Turkey Drive at St Emydius with your time at the drive and with your generous donations. I am sending you this email to let you know where this yearly neighborhood event stands at this time.
As you know, in 2012, I started the Turkey Drive as a small personal project from my home. Then thanks to the collaboration with our St. Emydius Parish, it has become bigger each year. Our neighborhood drive is getting attention from other neighborhoods and even from St Anthony, where staff members have been talking about doing similar events in other parts of the city. So we have been heading in the right direction to do something about feeding the hungry with the help of neighbors.
However, this year we are faced with a pandemic that is changing everything. On one side, the Covid-19 pandemic is far from being under control as of right, and, as we know, is highly contagious. On the other side, the need for food has drastically increased: many people have lost their jobs, and with San Francisco's high rents, low unemployment checks and the complexity of finding new work, families have other no choice but to go to a local soup kitchen or food bank to feed their families. In addition, St. Anthony has not yet made the decision to have their curb-side turkey drop-off where we can bring in all food donations. Meanwhile the planning of the SF Turkey Drive needs to start.
So, after lots of thinking, and talking with my partner Herb, I decided to make changes for Turkey Drive 2020 and I wanted to share this with you. This year's event will be mainly a fundraiser. We will encourage neighbors to send their donations by check or credit card. Then, I will be looking for a generous donor or company who wants to offer some kind of a matching gift....let me know if you know of someone who may be a potential contributor, and if it is a company, I will share their information during the fundraising campaign. Now getting closer to the drive date, I may decide to still collect turkey...but on a much smaller scale.
With this updated event, I hope that we will be able to raise funds to help St Anthony in the work they are doing AND KEEP OUR DONORS AND VOLUNTEERS SAFE.For any suggestions, please fell free to email me directly.