SF Turkey Drive
At the SF Zoo
Welcome to the SF Turkey Drive at the Zoo happening on Monday Nov. 20th, 2023 from 9:30 a.m. till 12:30 p.m.
The SF Turkey Drive started collecting turkeys from neighbors in the Ingleside District of San Francisco in 2012. In its 12th year, this is a new collaboration with San Francisco Zoo geared to collecting turkeys to fight hunger in our community. Your donations will be going directly to the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank immediately after the drive. We thank you in advance for your generosity.
A Gift of Food Is A Gift of Life.
What to bring at the drop-off site:
- Turkeys (preferably frozen)
- Boxes/bags of fresh vegetables
- Checks made payable to SFM Food Bank
- In the Zoo parking lot: follow the signs. Click HERE for directions
- Monday Nov. 20 from 9:30 a.m. till 12:30 p.m.
Write a check made payable to SFM Food Bank and Mail it to:
SF Turkey Drive c/o SF Zoo
1 Zoo Road
San Francisco, CA 94132
100% of all donations go to the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank to fight hunger in our community.
Click on the Picture above (or click HERE) to be linked directly to the webpage of the SF Turkey Drive at the SF Zoo on SF-Marin Food Bank website. Your donation will be available immediately to help fight hunger in our community.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law. A receipt for your donation will be mailed or emailed to you
Volunteer Opportunity:
Email Pierre (SFPierre@aol.com) and specify that you would like to volunteer at the Zoo on November 20. Volunteers will need to be at the Zoo entrance at 9:00 a.m. for 2 hours or for the entire drive. For additional info on Volunteering, click HERE.